My husband is well known within our family and circle of friends as a master griller. 9 years ago when we got married, I got this used grill (left) at a garage sale for $10. It has been used for SO many meals, fed hundreds of people over the years at our parties, and has traveled across the country with us. But, this year it's time had come...too many parts broken and rusting off. My husband told me to watch for another one at garage sales this year.

So, this past Wednesday I found the one on the right, brand new, still sealed in the box, at a garage sale for $20! Here you see them...old and new...getting acquainted (above).
I thought that was cool that we got someone's discarded grill and it lasted us this long, but didn't want to send it to the curb just yet. So, I thought I'd turn it into a planter to grow fresh herbs that my husband could pick right there and use in his grilling. Here's what I did...this little project took maybe 10-15 minutes...
Step 1: Remove the grills and hose out the base. Here I am hose'in away in the back yard:

Step 2: I added a handfull of rocks to the bottom for extra drainage. The grill itself is really perfect for this because it has holes in the bottom already:

Step 3: Add dirt! "Otis" is very curious as to why I am filling the grill with dirt, as you can see:

Step 4: Get plants! Here "Amos" is inspecting the herbs we bought just this morning at our local farmer's market for just $1 each!

Step 5: Plant, water, and enjoy!

And, so, the garage sale grill that served at least two families so well for so many years, has been reincarnated into a lovely herb garden. The grill adds to the whole backyard bbq theme of our back patio, and is the perfect height for the cook to snip off fresh herbs! Now I'm thinking about the lid...use it to cover the planter in the winter? Protect plants from frost? Or, turn it into something else...perhaps a birdbath? Hmm...the wheels just never stop turning...
this is a great idea, can't wait to try it think my hubby will mind if I get rid of his grill before I get him a new one?
Very timely article; think written just for me! I have a small tabletop grill similar to the one show that I was planning to dispose of; it's electric and no longer heats. So. using your wonderful idea, it will become an herb garden before the weekend is over. Thank you.
Bernie Cason
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