So this morning, April 26, I woke up bright & early to head out to
the Craftstravaganza, and THIS is what I see out my window:

Wow. We just hit almost 80 degrees less than a week ago, and now snow! I guess I shouldn't be surprised...this IS Minnesota after all. You can see the sprinkler is still out from when we were watering the fresh grass seed we laid down one sunny day not long ago.. But, we don't let a little April (snow) showers keep us from having fun!
The slick roads, coupled with a detour on our route made us cut it a little closer than I wanted to, but we still made with just enough time to get all
my product set up 15 minutes before the show opened! Here's me at my booth (below). I was located directly in line with the doors of the un-heated building, and can't tell you how many shoppers commented on ours being the coldest spot in the place. But, I am still smiling....luckily my wonderful husband drove back home about half way through the day to get our space heater and more layers, which was wonderful!

Being that I am a
display designer as well, the whole time I sat there I thought about how I wanted to improve my booth for next year and/or future shows. But, being my 1st year at any show, I tried to keep it low-budget to see how it would go first. Yeah, that's the excuse I'm going with...
Here are some of my necklaces:

Since I've so far only sold
my stuff via the web and through other retailers, I really enjoyed meeting real live customers, and seeing people's reactions to
my products! The
magnets and
jewelry were the biggest hit at my booth this year.
Here's that wonderful and supportive husband I was telling you about (below), who not only went home for a heater and more layers for us, drove us there, and un-loaded everything, but also tag team'ed with me to watch the booth when I had to go feed our munchkin in the car, and watch the munchkin when I had to tend to the booth. Did I mention how wonderful he is yet? Luckily we were able to keep our little guy toasty warm and happy all day too! He's such a cutie. And the baby is pretty darn adorable too.

Some shots of the aisles...

These guys are so cute!

Well, while I ended up coming out spending more money to do the show than I made at it, I know from attending last year that the weather was fully to blame for the lesser turnout, and still would like to return again next year and give it another try. The wonderful selection of hand made treasures are second only to the unique blend of creative people who make them and shoppers who appreciate hand made goods enough to brave the cold!
I must also send out kudos to Andy & Jenna, the planners of
the event, for the wonderfully organized job they did! You guys rock!!! Hope to see you next year, and be there early enough to actually meet you! ;-) Oh, and many thanks to the anonymous angel disguised as a show volunteer who brought me hot chocolate. mmm...