If you are currently a subscriber of the
Junk Mail Gems e-newsletter then you've already heard about the latest
new products. But, I thought I'd post about them today for everyone else! I now have some new special edition jewelry available...read on for the story behind these special beads!

In the summer of 2008 my dad was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. After many tough rounds of chemo, we are happy to announce he is in remission! So what does this have to do with junk mail? Read on!
As you know, I make hand rolled beads, pendants, and magnets out of my recycled security envelopes. I get tons and tons of blue and black patterns in my junk mail, but rarely receive red. I’ve told my family who like to collect envelopes from their mail for me that I have more than enough blue and black, but if they ever come across red, I’ll take ‘em!

Since my Dad’s cancer journey began, naturally my parents have been flooded with mail from their medical insurance company...all arriving in red-patterned security envelopes. I did not want to just mix these in with my regular selection, since I consider these red envelopes to be special. Besides being a rare occurrence in my own mail, they are a reminder of how much my dad and mom have been through this past year. So, what to do? The answer came to me almost instantly!
I have decided to create some new red beads and necklaces, and to donate a portion of the proceeds from these items to two very important charities.
If you know someone who’s gone through hard medical times, you may have heard of CaringBridge.org. They provide free web space for people going through life threatening illnesses, enabling them to post journal entries & photos, and receive messages from family and friends in their online “guest book.” My dad’s CaringBridge site has been a great support, not only for family and friends to keep up on his progress, but for all of his loved ones to channel their support through their loving guest book messages. For this reason, $5.00 of every red paper bead necklace purchase will be donated to CaringBridge.

For every red envelope glass pendant necklace sold, Junk Mail Gems will donate $5.00 to the important work of The American Cancer Society.

Thank you for helping support not only the environment and small business-owning Mommies, but also these very worthwhile causes!