I got an email from "Beth" back in the end of October, asking for ideas on what to do to recycle old CD ROM cases. I've wondered about them myself, and thought it would be a fun thing to blog about. Here are a few ideas I've found while doing a little web surfing...
If you'd like to get crafty...
Craft Chi has a great idea and tutorial to turn them into pencil/pen holders:

Instructables has a tutorial to make a really cool wall mural:

Thread Banger has a fun way to turn a case into a desktop calendar:

For a great project your kids can do, check out Fave Craft's tutorial on making picture frames:
Or the Elk Grove Public Library's cool 3D photo cube ideas (you'll have to scroll down a ways to see them when you click the link.

Got a card collector in your family? They make cool little frames for displaying your cards:

Feeling more ambitious? If you've been following my blog you've no doubt seen many-a-lampshade possibilities, but how about this awesome chandelier made out of CD cases from Keetsa:

If you aren't up for doing a project yourself...
1) Put them up for free on Craigslist or Freecycle, as you may have someone in your area who has some kind of art/craft project in mind for them already!
2) Visit Earth 911, where you can look up a recycling center in your area that will take them. (Remember you can't just toss them into your regular recycling like you do with plastic bottles, etc!)
I'm sure I am just scratching the surface on ideas here, so if you have any others, feel free to share your own!