I realized that I've been posting on quite a few mom-related subjects here on my
Junk Mail Gems blog. While I've been able to tie them into the "green" subject matter my
Junk Mail Gems fans enjoy reading, I thought that I had enough of these posts and enough new post ideas to start another new blog...

So, today I'd like to officially introduce the latest addition to my family of blogs, "
IDMommy: Life at the intersection of DESIGN and MOTHERHOOD." Here I will post on topics related to motherhood, through my unique perspective as a
designer and an entrepreneur.
There will be DIY project tutorials. There will be reviews of kids' products that I've tried and would like to try. There will be recipes & kids' crafts. And I'm excited to be soon starting up a rotation of interviews with fellow "MOMtrepreneurs." Learn from other moms and business owners, share your own opinions and advice, and hopefully find some things that will make your life easier in the process!
If you're a
Junk Mail Gems fan, a mom, a designer, or an entrepreneur, you may find
this new blog of interest as well, which is why I'm giving it a little plug here! So,
check it out and become a follower if you'd like to stay up to date on my latest posts! Or, if you're a Facebook user,
I invite you to become a Facebook fan and receive updates on new postings that way as well!
(I'll even give you a little sneak preview...tomorrow I'll be posting a tutorial on how to make 3 extremely useful kid/baby items out of left-over ribbon!)