Friday, January 20, 2012

Thrift Store Re-Use Idea: Plant Clipping Containers

If you're a plant person who takes small clippings from your thriving plants to turn into new plants, here's a little idea for you. 

I used to put my clippings in old jars and cups by a window, and they never really looked great.  But, lately I've been picking up pretty glass candle holders from the thrift store and using those instead, which makes the clippings look even prettier than potted plants while I wait for their roots to grow.

One of my favorite spots in our new house is this little window box right above the kitchen sink.  It's a perfect spot for plants and delicate things to keep them out of the kids' reach.  Plus, being in Minnesota in January, it's really nice to be able to look up while doing dishes and see green plants and colorful glass, rather than the usual brown and white.

A couple hanging candle holders from the thrift store, hung  with little screw-in hooks in the window box "ceiling"
I love this little blue one that hangs on it's own stand
Colorful glass bottles work great too, especially for this straight bamboo!
There are so many cool options for your clippings if you think outside of the box!  How about some pretty vases, or even wine glasses?  So next time you're in the thrift store or at a garage sale, if you're a plant person, be sure to peruse the glass and candle holder aisles...the possibilities are endless!


  1. Such a great idea! I have an ivy clipping in a small stoneware vase right now in an attempt to root it.

  2. Love the idea! it does make the cutting look prettier. i happen to have several candle holders tucked away - to use with candles. but i will transform them . thank you

  3. this is a GREAT idea! i just happen to have several candle holders tucked aroung, waiting to be used with candles! i will now put my cuttings in them. thanks for the idea! they look pretty too.
