Saturday, August 29, 2009

JunK Mail Gems Featured in Womeninc Magazine

I was pretty excited to find some copies of the latest Womeninc magazine in my mailbox today, with a several page article featuring Junk Mail Gems! Check out the story on my press page, where you can download a pdf. Many thanks to Myrna CG Mibus, the talented freelance writer who wrote the article, and photographer Jessica Sauck for the many great photos used! It was very cool to see my magnets covering the entire table of contents page too! :-)

Womeninc is published in Fairmont, MN and has a circulation of 15,000 copies monthly. It is subscriber based and people can subscribe online at or


  1. I'm really glad you are happy with the story. I'm always pleased with how Womeninc. takes my stories, adds pictures and turns it all into a wonderful spread!


  2. it's a wonderful article and nicely laid out too!! Love the photos!!!!
