Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Recycled Light Bulbs

Now that I've switched over to compact fluorescent bulbs in my house, what do I do with the old incandescents as they die off? I just finally discovered this cool blog, Design Sprout, and came across this fantastic project for turning light bulbs into flower vases and salt/pepper shakers:

After more searching I found quite a few fun ideas out on the blogosphere. There are some really cool ornaments made out of light bulbs at 3r:

Bulbs Unlimited also has several cool ways to recycle old light bulbs into new lamp shades!

How about a miniature greenhouse? I just think a bunch of these lined up on a windowsill would look so cool!

This is a great way to turn those halogen bulbs into angels! I have these things in my kitchen...they are expensive and burn out all the time so I'm happy to find this new use for them!

1 comment:

  1. Just changed out my old light bulbs and was looking at them thinking that there must be something cool or artsy i could do.. thanks for the great ideas!
