Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm back...Catching Up!

It's been a little while since I've posted! My dad was diagnosed with a type of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma a week ago today, so I've been spending my free time visiting him in the hospital during his first round of chemo and doing little things to help out here and there. So, it was for good reason! Today the sun is shining as he heads home to continue the battle I'm confident he'll win!

Through the busy-ness of the past week, things have still been happening with Junk Mail Gems. I just recently received a copy of last fall's issue of Positive Thinking, which had a nice photo and mention of my wallets in their "Cool for School" spread. See below on the right side of the page...Thank you, Alina, for the mention!

I also was pleased to connect with the folks at Found Clothing, a fun blog dedicated to the cool clothing items and accessories rescued from the trash and the people who resurrect them! They posted a little interview with me last Sunday.

I've also been busy fulfilling a large order of my new Jumbo Magnets which will finally be going out tomorrow!

And, I got an email from the people at the Eclectic Products blog inviting me to share a project as a guest blogger using their cool EcoGlue, which I use when making my Junk Mail Gems products. So, watch for that...I'll be sure to post here too when it goes up so you can check it out!

Now to post some cool eco-friendly eye candy, here is one really cool project via the Eclectic Products blog that I thought you would like...a chandelier made out of recycled plastic spoons! I love this idea of making something so beautiful and timeless out of spoons that are used for only a few seconds to stir a coffee. I'm not sure I even want to know how many of these are being tossed out every second in our Starbucks-crazy culture...and along with just about every one of these spoons also go paper cups, cardboard wraps, sugar packets, napkins, and stir sticks...

1 comment:

  1. We're looking forward to your post, too, Gretchen! Thanks for the links.

    - Kelli
    Eclectic Products
